Hats Off To Our Team!

If you want to purchase ‘off the peg’ workwear as staff uniforms or to otherwise promote your business, it’s not difficult to find a local or online supplier offering various cost-effective options, all branded with your logo via print or embroidery.

However, our fashion industry Client recently found that if you require the manufacture of custom designed hats carrying only your branding inside and out, the challenge becomes much more complicated! Having spent an estimated hundreds of hours trying to deal with factories in China, the Client asked if we could help in anyway. We rose to the challenge and were successful in finding a supplier that exceeded expectations, but you might be surprised to learn where in the world they were located! Not a place well known for cheap labour or manufacturing, rather it is renowned for elegance and style, the supplier we paired our Client with in Italy struck a perfect balance between cost and quality!

As a global business, Angeleye often has a head start when it’s time to locate a supplier or service partner on your behalf. Our team has existing knowledge and contacts around the globe, all of which can be made available to your company, so that you may better utilize your resources within your business.

We’re always happy to discuss your requirements without any further obligation, so get in touch today to see if we are a good fit for each other!